Học Bổng Simpson Tài Trợ Toàn Bộ Lệ Phí Và Phí Thi ACCA Cho Học Viên

//Học Bổng Simpson Tài Trợ Toàn Bộ Lệ Phí Và Phí Thi ACCA Cho Học Viên
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Học Bổng Simpson Tài Trợ Toàn Bộ Lệ Phí Và Phí Thi ACCA Cho Học Viên

In order to be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must meet the qualification criteria and submit a 1,000 word essay.

The Simpson Scholarship exists to reward talented ACCA students who have already proven themselves to be of sufficient merit and distinction in ACCA examinations.

Each year, the Simpson Scholarship will fund the ACCA examination and registration fees of five students for a period of five years or until they become members – whichever happens first.

In order to be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must meet the qualification criteria and submit a 1,000 word essay.

The 2015 scholarship period is now open. Please submit your application by Friday 1 May.

Am I eligible?
How do I apply?
What happens next?
What’s included?
About the scholarship

For more details: www.accaglobal.com/scholarship

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