AFP đưa tin chính thức về việc hợp tác với Smart Train ra mắt chứng chỉ Quản trị nguồn vốn chuyên nghiệp CTP tại Việt Nam

/, Uncategorized, Tin chuyên ngành/AFP đưa tin chính thức về việc hợp tác với Smart Train ra mắt chứng chỉ Quản trị nguồn vốn chuyên nghiệp CTP tại Việt Nam
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AFP đưa tin chính thức về việc hợp tác với Smart Train ra mắt chứng chỉ Quản trị nguồn vốn chuyên nghiệp CTP tại Việt Nam

Ngày 15/09/2021, Hiệp hội Chuyên gia Tài chính Hoa Kỳ AFP (Association for Financial Professionals) đã có bài viết trang trọng, đánh giá cao về mối quan hệ hợp tác giữa Hiệp hội AFP và Smart Train trong việc ra mắt chương trình đào tạo chứng chỉ Quản trị nguồn vốn chuyên nghiệp CTP (Certified Treasury Professional) tại Việt Nam.

Đây là thông cáo báo chí chính thức của Hiệp hội AFP sau lễ ký kết hợp tác với Smart Train gần đây. Mời Anh/Chị xem thông tin chi tiết như bài viết ở bên dưới.

Finance professionals in Vietnam will now have access to preparation courses for leading certification.

15 September 2021 – Singapore – The Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) and Smart Train have announced a formal partnership to offer exam preparation courses for finance professionals based in Vietnam. The courses will equip financial professionals with the tools they need to earn the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) certification.

The CTP designation, sponsored by AFP, serves as a benchmark of competency in the finance profession and is recognised as the leading credential in corporate treasury worldwide. The CTP credential signifies that treasury practitioners have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to effectively execute critical functions related to corporate liquidity, capital and risk management.

By partnering together, AFP and Smart Train are providing finance professionals in Vietnam with a new path to earn this prestigious designation. Students will learn from instructors that have extensive experience in teaching and senior positions, as well as knowledge in effective academic methods that help achieve the best exam results.

“This collaboration with Smart Train helps AFP bring the premier certification for the finance profession to Vietnam,” said Himashi Soriano, managing director of APAC. “AFP understands the importance of preparing leaders and specialists in this area, and those that hold this certification are making a long-term commitment their career. This path to earning AFP’s CTP credential will help practitioners distinguish themselves among their peers and gain even more skills as they prepare for the exam.”

“The AFP is a prestigious global professional association specialising in corporate finance. The two parties have come to an agreement in which the CTP training programme will be delivered to advance finance management skills for the finance community in Vietnam,” said Mr. Thanh Pham, managing director of Smart Train. “Through the CTP training programme, we also aspire to contribute to the enhancement of financial management capacity at enterprises in Vietnam, particularly during these challenging times due to the coronavirus pandemic.”

About AFP®
As the certifying body in treasury and finance, the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) established and administers the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) and Certified Corporate Financial Planning and Analysis Professional (FPAC) credentials, setting the standard of excellence in the profession globally. AFP’s mission is to drive the future of finance and treasury and develop the leaders of tomorrow through certification, training, and the premier event for corporate treasury and finance. Learn more at

About Smart Train
Established in 2009, Smart Train is a leading training organization in Vietnam specializing in providing specialized international accounting, auditing and financial training programs. Smart Train helps businesses manage their finances effectively and transparently through training and developing the capacity of individuals in accounting, auditing and finance expertise according to international standards.

Nguồn: AFP – Association for Financial Professionals

Chương trình CTP khóa đầu tiên sẽ được khai giảng vào ngày 06/11/2021. Mời Anh/Chị tham khảo thông tin chi tiết TẠI ĐÂY

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